With AI becoming widely used across all professions I decided to dip my toes in as well and see how I could use this amazing technology myself in my daily design life. Being a massive fan of the Pokémon franchise I decided to design Pokémon in my own style as well as a trainer avatar using nothing but my own character renders as a starting point to help guide and inform my Midjourney prompts. This is an ongoing project that I hope will eventually lead to a creature catalog of 100+ monsters , a sprawling map design, numerous trainer characters and even a TCG set. Stay tuned more to come in this page for sure.

The Map is loosely inspired by the terrane and geographical location of Greece. It is made up of a handful of large islands all connected by a rail system. each city has its own distinct feel and vibe that relate back to the gym leaders that inhabit them. 

Unlike many regions this region has12 Gym Leaders that will test your toughness as you travel through the land. Ground, Grass, Fire, Fairy, Ghost, Bug, Water, Steel, Rock, Poison, Dark & Electric

Each gym will award you with a unique badge for completing the gym challenge collect all of them to show your a top trainer. 

On top of the gym leaders there are 4 trainers that stand above the rest. Once you have defeated all the gym leaders and collect  all 10 badges you will be invited to take on the elite four. This challenge will be no small test, so be prepared. Like the gym leaders the elite four all specialize in a unique type as well Ice, Fighting, Psychic & Dragon. 

The region is home to a wide variety of creatures of all shapes and sizes. Its said that there are over 106 unique monster that call this land there home.

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